About 200 scientists from over 25 institutions across the world form the international XENON collaboration, representing more than 25 different nationalities. The collaboration has been searching for dark matter since 2006 with liquid xenon time projection chambers in a series of experiments: XENON10, XENON100, XENON1T and XENONnT. While XENON10 was filled with merely 15 kg of xenon, XENONnT, the newest member of the XENON family, employs a total of 8.6 tonnes.

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XENON Collaboration Meeting. Paris, September 2023


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The XENON Dark Matter Project is managed by the Collaboration Board (CB), a committee composed of the Spokespersons and all of the Principal Investigators (PIs). The CB is the main decision-making body of the XENON collaboration. A PI is the leader of each collaborating institution who carries the scientific and financial responsibility of that institution for the XENON program. Below is the organizational structure and the description of the responsibilities of each management body. Some roles are also filled by senior scientists that are not PIs.


Formal representatives of the collaboration who oversee its overall scientific and technical program.

Elena Aprile


Manfred Lindner


Collaboration Board Chairs

Manage the CB meetings and communicates to the CB members, setting the agendas of the meetings, sees that they are followed, and documents decisions.

Christian Weinheimer

Collaboration Board Chair

Masaki Yamashita

Collaboration Board Co-Chair

Science Strategy Team

Identifies and prioritizes opportunities for the various science outcomes. Triggers strategy discussions, and communicates with the operations and analysis teams for optimal scientific results.

Laura Baudis

Science Strategy Team (Chair)

Fei Gao

Science Strategy Team

Kaixuan Ni

Science Strategy Team

Uwe Obrlack

Science Strategy Team

Editorial Board

Manages the scientific articles to be submitted for publication by the collaboration.

Patrick Decowski

Editorial Board (Chair)

Ranny Budnik

Editorial Board

Teresa Marrodan

Editorial Board

Marco Selvi

Editorial Board

Marc Schumann

Editorial Board

Jingqiang Ye

Editorial Board

Speakers Bureau

Keeps an up-to-date list of upcoming conferences and coordinates speakers representing the collaboration.

Carla Macolino

Speakers Bureau (Chair)

Sara Diglio

Speakers Bureau

Kathrin Valerius

Speakers Bureau

Public Relation Team

Coordinates dissemination of the collaboration’s efforts to the general public. Examples are press releases, websites, educational materials, or events as appropriate.

Alfredo Davide Ferella

PR Team (Chair)

Riccardo Biondi

PR Team

Jelle Aalbers

PR Team

Kentaro Miuchi

PR Team

Kathrin Valerius

PR Team

Abigail Kopec

PR Team

Technical Coordinators

Responsibles for the overall project technical progress, workflow coordination, and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) conformance.

Marcello Messina

Technical Coordinator (Local)

Auke-Pieter Colijn

Technical Coordinator (Remote)

Guillaume Plante

Technical Coordinator (Remote)

Analysis Coordinators

Oversee the various data analyses and dedicated software tools, ensuring swift and accurate progress on all the open tasks.

Christian Wittweg

Analysis Coordinator

Daniel Wenz

Analysis Coordinator

Florian Jörg

Analysis Coordinator

Run Coordinator

Responsible of the data taking, coordination and planning of detector operations, calibration and shifter supervision.

Riccardo Biondi

Run Coordinator