First measurement of a nuclear recoil signal from solar neutrinos with XENONnT

PRESENTATION at the IDM 2024 conference (slides) Today, Wednesday, July the 10th, at the IDM conference in L’Aquila (IT), the XENONnT collaboration announced the first measurement of low-energy nuclear recoils from neutrinos produced in nuclear reactions inside the sun, particularly those involving the element boron. Alongside hypothetical dark matter particles, neutrinos from the sun have […]
First Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Recoils from the XENONnT Experiment

PREPRINT The XENON collaboration presented today results from XENONnT, the latest-generation experiment of the XENON Dark Matter project dedicated to the direct search for Dark Matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). With an initial exposure slightly larger than 1 tonne x year, a blind analysis shows that the data is consistent […]
Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoil Data from XENONnT

Jingqiang Ye, CIPANP 2022
First Results from a Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoils from XENONnT

The paper is available on the arxiv and directly here (pdf) . Slides as they were presented at the IDM conference are also available here (pdf). XENONnT, the latest detector of the XENON Dark Matter program, shows an unprecedentedly low background which facilitates searches for new, very rare phenomena with high sensitivity. First results clarify an exciting excess observed in the predecessor XENON1T […]
XLZD, Joining forces towards a next-generation Dark Matter experiment

The XENON/DARWIN and LUX-ZEPLIN collaborations have now joined forces to work together on the design, construction, and operation of a new, single, multi-tonne scale xenon observatory to explore dark matter. The detector will be highly sensitive to a wide range of proposed dark matter particles and their interactions with visible matter. Over the last 20+ years, […]
XENONnT Calibration of Low Energy Electronic Recoil Response with 37Ar

Matteo Guida Invisibles Workshop
Distillation campaign for XENONnT finished
The up-coming XENONnT experiment utilizes a total of 8.3 tonnes of xenon to search for the ever elusive dark matter particles. In addition to the existing 3.3 tonnes of ultra-pure xenon from XENON1T, another 5 tonnes of xenon were purchased by the XENON collaboration. Before the new gas can be used for XENONnT, it needs […]