Search for New Physics in Electronic Recoil Data from XENONnT

Jingqiang Ye, CIPANP 2022
Dark matter direct detection with the XENONnT experiment

Giovanni Volta, CIPANP 2022
XENONnT Latest results

Joran Angevaare, COSMO 22
Constraining the spin-dependent WIMP-nucleon interaction with XENON1T
Since we don’t know how dark matter interacts with more familiar particles, we have to break up our search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in terms of their possible interactions with xenon nuclei. While many complex interactions are possible, we generally start with two simple cases: WIMP-nucleus interactions that don’t depend on the nuclear […]
First results on Electronic Recoils from the XENONnT Dark Matter Experiment at LNGS

Marco Selvi, LNGS seminar
XENONnT: First electronic recoil results from Science Run 0

Andrii Terliuk, PASCOS 2022
Calibrating XENONnT and its novel water Cherenkov neutron-veto using tagged neutrons

Daniel Wenz, IDM2022
XENONnT first results on Electronic Recoils events

Knut Dundas Morå, IDM2022
Revealing the nature of neutrinos with XENON direct dark matter detector and future perspectives

Maxime Pierre, 18th Rencontres du Vietnam
XENONnT Calibration of Low Energy Electronic Recoil Response with 37Ar

Matteo Guida Invisibles Workshop